A Thinking Love: Studies from Charlotte Mason's Home Education

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Today's readers are as inspired by Charlotte Mason's educational ideas as were the parents who heard her original eight lectures on "home education" in 1886. The lectures were later published as a book, but modern versions of Home Education include only six of them. In A Thinking Love you will find all eight of the original lectures, which cover education from birth to teens.

Much of the dated information (wool clothing and Victorian-era science) has been set aside, and the remaining text presented as a series of short, curated readings. Each section includes question and study material focused on important principles about education. Read alone, or enjoy discussion with a group of interested friends. 
A Thinking Love is an abridged study version of Home Education that will help bring these lectures to life for another generation of thoughtful parents.

Independently Published

Pub Date: July 18, 2022

7 x 0.53 x 10 inches

233 pages

Karen Glass